Species and habitat protection in Bromley
For example, in the London Borough of Bromley, we work alongside Bromley Council, the RSPB and other organisations to manage very diverse areas of landscape. These include six Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and areas that fall within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
During our time supporting these wonderful spaces, we have worked on several distinct projects that are focused on nature conservation. These included wetland and heathland restoration, managing enhanced surveying and species recording, and increasing the naturalised grassland by 25%.
We’ve worked with local communities on a ‘Brilliant Butterflies’ project, carried out urban bat box surveys and improved the habitat for priority species including the hazel dormouse, European adder and great crested newt.
We’re now working closely with Bromley Council as part of the Bromley Biodiversity Partnership, which is an exciting future-forward plan for local nature-based development plans.