Empowering Futures: Youth Action’s 'Big Skills Day' Sparks Success and Opportunities
Our team had the privilege of attending Youth Action’s “Big Skills Day,” where we connected with incredible young people! Watch the video here
Grounds Maintenance, Landscape Creation, Arboriculture, Sports Surfacing, Parks management, IOS Managing Safely Training, Ecology & Biodiversity, Grass cutting, Horticulture, Street Cleaning, Soft Landscaping, Hard Landscaping
idverde provides a wide range of green services, including grounds maintenance, landscape creation, and advice services, to both private and public sectors across the UK.
In celebration of Love Parks Week, we are excited that Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has been awarded the Green Flag Award for 2023. The award is the perfect recognition that the park reaches strict expectations and meets visitor’s needs.
About Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is maintained by idverde and boasts a whopping 560 acres to explore every day for free and there are plenty of things to do.
Parks that receive the prestigious Green Flag Award are recognised as having an excellently maintained park that is managed to ensure:
To read the full judging criteria, visit the Green Flag Award website here.
To discover more about Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park visit their website here.
We asked the people who work on the park some questions about its relationship with idverde:
What services does idverde provide for Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park?
Currently, the park horticultural, arboriculture, Biodiversity volunteering, Ecology, waterways, cleansing, irrigation, event support and apprentice training.
How do your services benefit the client and the community?
Our services make the park clean, welcoming, and aesthetically pleasing. We improve biodiversity and ecology in the park for everyone. idverde work with local schools and volunteers with various sessions throughout the year.
Can you give an example of a recent project or initiative that has happened in the last 12 months?
idverde are partners with LLDC and BOST supporting the Future Gardeners programme in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and deliver the Level 1 entry level horticultural course to local people with a view of them gaining a role with idverde on the apprentice programme.
How do you encourage biodiversity at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park?
Biodiversity is encouraged at the park through effective management of the different habitats found there. The Biodiversity Action Plan has specific targets for each habitat, as well as several priority species; these targets help with the implementation of management timetable, allowing each habitat to be managed at the correct time of year. Management is carried out by staff, corporate volunteers, and volunteers from the local community. Ecological surveying a variety of taxonomic groups informs the management decisions and allows identification of best practices and areas that need improvement.
Does your park have any interesting or unusual features?
The park is a very special place mixing world-class venues with the amazing horticultural beds and meadows.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park won a green flag last year, why was it important to apply for the award, and has there been any positive impact as a result?
The judging visits were a real experience from the client meet and greet to the view of the park from the top of the ArcelorMittal Orbit to the tour of the 2012 gardens, as the park was looking fantastic. The positive impact this has on the parks team and community is fantastic as seeing the Green Flag flying on the flag poles gives them a real sense of pride.