Sky Garden’s Guide to Thriving Winter Houseplants
At idverde, we absolutely adore indoor plants and truly believe they elevate indoor spaces. Not only do they add beauty, but they also have a positive impact on our health and well-being.
Grounds Maintenance, Landscape Creation, Arboriculture, Sports Surfacing, Parks management, IOS Managing Safely Training, Ecology & Biodiversity, Grass cutting, Horticulture, Street Cleaning, Soft Landscaping, Hard Landscaping
idverde provides a wide range of green services, including grounds maintenance, landscape creation, and advice services, to both private and public sectors across the UK.
This week is National Gardening Week. and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is encouraging us all to get our daily dose of “Vitamin G”. The G stands for ‘Green’ and research has shown that getting a daily dose improves our sense of personal wellbeing. Here are just 5 reasons why!
Gardening is considered moderate-intensity exercise and you can burn around 330 calories doing one hour of light gardening, roughly equivalent to 40 minutes of brisk walking. Who needs an expensive gym membership?
30 days of moderate exercise several times a week can help lower blood pressure, which in turn can lower the risk of heart problems. Digging, planting, and weeding could all contribute and have a positive effect on your health.
Not only has spending time in nature been found to have positive effects on mental health and reduce stress, but research has also suggested that inhaling Mycobacterium vaccae, a healthy bacteria found in soil can increase levels of serotonin and reduce anxiety.
Vitamin D is essential for increasing our calcium levels, helping our bones stay strong and also benefitting our immune system. It is especially beneficial to older adults. Our bodies absorb Vitamin D from sunlight so getting outside and gardening is a great way to help give our Vitmanin D levels a boost.
Don’t forget though that an excess of the sun’s UV rays can be harmful to our skin, so always be prepared to cover up when the sun is at its strongest.
What better way to encourage your family to get to their five a day than by growing your own vegetables!
As the UK’s leading provider of grounds maintenance and landscape creation services, it will come as no surprise that we have a lot of gardeners in the idverde team. If you have a passion for horticulture and are interested in joining us, check out our Vacancies page for the latest opportunities to join our team!