Sky Garden’s Guide to Thriving Winter Houseplants
At idverde, we absolutely adore indoor plants and truly believe they elevate indoor spaces. Not only do they add beauty, but they also have a positive impact on our health and well-being.
Grounds Maintenance, Landscape Creation, Arboriculture, Sports Surfacing, Parks management, IOS Managing Safely Training, Ecology & Biodiversity, Grass cutting, Horticulture, Street Cleaning, Soft Landscaping, Hard Landscaping
idverde provides a wide range of green services, including grounds maintenance, landscape creation, and advice services, to both private and public sectors across the UK.
idverde was delighted to support Northampton Borough Council’s Park Ranger, Vikkie Maloney, and the Friends of Bradlaugh Fields with a Ranger Action Day aimed at tidying the areas behind the barn as part of the routine management programme of Bradlaugh Fields, as well as in preparation for Green Flag.
The Green Flag Award Scheme recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.
A small group of volunteers spent a morning weeding the area behind the pond and topping up the bark paths where needed. This was the first work day that had been organised since the national lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic and was undertaken following Government Guidelines and adhering to strict social distancing measures.
Work also started on clearing the excessive vegetation around the pond which is beginning to choke the open water and decrease its habitat value. By thinning and selectively removing the vegetation more diverse habitats will be created to support a greater range of insects and other animals that rely on open water and pond margins to survive. These include insects such as damsel and dragonflies, as well as amphibians such as newts, frogs and toads.
idverde’s Community Engagement Officer, Nicola Clarke, commented, “It is absolutely fantastic to be working together in partnership with the Friends of Bradlaugh Fields and Northampton Borough Council again after the unprecedented lockdown situation. The Coronavirus pandemic has proved just how important our local parks and wildlife sites are for our physical and mental well being as well as being vital for supporting wildlife and biodiversity in local areas.”