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26 April 2024

Revitalisation of Corsham open space by idverde and Wiltshire Council

In early 2023, idverde, in collaboration with Wiltshire Council, embarked on an ambitious project to revitalise a neglected expanse of open space located next to 106 Freestone Way, Corsham. The site, previously overgrown with brambles, Cornus, Hawthorn, and a variety of other species, has undergone a remarkable transformation.

Initial restoration efforts
The initial phase of the project, led by idverde’s shelterbelt team, took place in February and March of 2023. The team diligently cut back the overgrowth and chipped the vegetation, repurposing the resulting material as mulch to enrich the woodland area. This effort not only cleared the space but also uncovered an old hogging path, significantly reduced litter, and made the parkland more inviting for community use.

Enhancing biodiversity
In September 2023, Laurie Anderson, Streetscene Technician for communities and neighbourhood at Wiltshire Council, and Paul Ashman, Community Engagement Manager for idverde, installed two bird boxes to encourage avian habitation and enhance biodiversity within the park.

Corsham gree space1
Corsham gree space2

Observing progress

Returning to the site in April 2024, Laurie and Paul observed positive signs of natural regeneration. Nesting materials were visible in the bird boxes, indicating potential activity, although no birds were spotted during the visit. The cleared areas displayed plant life, and despite increased foot traffic, litter remained minimal.

This ongoing project reflects idverde and Wiltshire Council’s commitment to fostering green spaces that benefit both wildlife and the community.

idverde’s Community Engagement Manager for Wiltshire Council, Paul Ashman, commented “We were pleased to be able to offer our support to this local regeneration project in a forgotten area of Freestone open space Corsham. It always feels me with great pride when you return to a project and see what benefits you have brought to both the biodiversity of the local area and the residents who will now use the area, sitting on the benches and watching the world go by’’.