idverde is delighted to have been awarded the contract to supply grounds maintenance services to Camden Borough Council, following a competitive tendering process.
The five-year contract will start on 01 April 2017 and will see idverde delivering grounds maintenance services to 76 parks and over 300 open spaces across Camden, including large historic parks, small neighbourhood spaces, sports facilities, and formal London Squares. There is an option to extend the contract by a further three years after the initial five-year term.
Camden Council had a number of defined aims for delivery of the services, including the goal of creating a resilient community able to do more for itself. idverde has committed to working with the Council to achieve this aim by working with stakeholders such as residents’ associations, Friends of parks groups, tenant and resident groups, Business Improvement Districts, schools, and volunteer organisations to provide value added services, including practical support for horticultural projects.
idverde will also create opportunities for local people by providing work experience, apprenticeships and training, and will work with partner organisations such as charities and in particular The Conservation Volunteers to provide opportunities for disadvantaged groups and the general public as whole.
Other innovations idverde will bring to the new contract include investment in new electric and Euro-6 standard vehicles, including an electric John Deere utility vehicle which will be deployed in Waterlow Park. Operatives will also use electric small plant as much as possible in busy areas, which, in addition to their zero-emissions credentials, are much quieter in operation than their diesel and petrol powered equivalents, causing less disturbance to parks users.
53 staff will transfer to idverde from the previous contractor at the start of the new contract. All staff will receive a comprehensive induction to the company from idverde’s Human Resources and training team to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. Staff will also benefit from a comprehensive development programme, with opportunities to be trained as Lantra-Awards qualified trainers and Driver Assessors.
Commenting on the contract award, Clive Ivil, Managing Director of idverde’s Community Open Spaces division, commented:
“We are extremely pleased to have been awarded this contract with Camden Council. We feel our bid speaks to the Council’s strategic objectives for the service, and the desire of local residents to have good quality clean parks and green spaces, with visible staff achieving a right first time responsive service.
“We look forward to welcoming the transferring staff to the idverde family and to beginning our partnership with Camden Council to ensure its residents continue to enjoy excellently maintained parks and green spaces.”
Councillor Meric Apak, Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Environment said:
“With high resident satisfaction levels of our parks, we remain committed to maintaining the quality of our green spaces and increasing access and participation in them for all. Because of the reductions to our funding from Central Government, we have to find new and innovative ways of providing services across the council.
“Our new contract with idverde will provide a flexible, adaptive and nature conservation led grounds maintenance service which will ensure we will continue to deliver quality green spaces that are even better for nature.”