In 2021, idverde Bromley commenced with informal delivery of the ten draft idverde Biodiversity Action Plan on behalf of the London Borough of Bromley. A key element of this plan was wider community engagement.
The drafting of this plan coincided with research published by the University of Bristol highlighting the importance of allotments and gardens as the highest value land-use type for pollinators. As such, it was timely that idverde had decided to incorporate targets focussed on biodiversity within the Boroughs 53 allotments which idverde have a managerial oversight of.
Initially, this took the form of an engagement programme consisting of multiple elements. The Bromley Biodiverse Allotments scheme aimed to increase awareness and positive action for nature within allotment plot holders. This took the form of:
• A series of self-nominated “Biodiversity Champions” for Bromley’s allotments
• Annual training events for allotment plot holders
• Citizen science surveys